Tomoko Shiretoko
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Tomoko Shiretoko

ラグドール / 知床 知子(しれとこ ともこ), Tomoko Shiretoko, 布偶猫
Original Name: ラグドール / 知床 知子(しれとこ ともこ)


With a bright personality, she plays the role of the mood maker for the Pussycats. At 31 years old, she was the one who suggested forming a professional team of four. Her distinctive feature is her large, wide-open byakugan eyes, and she refers to herself as "achiki."
After her "Quirk" was stolen by "All For One," she supports the three others with office work.
"Quirk": Search
Just by looking at someone, she can know their location, weaknesses, and information about up to 100 people. Her Quirk is suited for support, excelling in information gathering and analysis.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:41 p.m.)

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