Kai Todoin
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Kai Todoin

東堂院 戒(とうどういん かい), Kai Todoin, 东堂院戒
Gender: Male
Original Name: 東堂院 戒(とうどういん かい)


A Class A player representing Camelot Academy in Japan. He has a strict personality, both towards himself and others, and although he has a fierce look and is somewhat short-tempered, he is a hot-blooded man with a deep sense of humanity. He is a hard worker, but due to his low blood pressure, he skips morning runs and has been pointed out for his weak legs. He has an extraordinary sense of clothing, which is often pointed out by many characters in the drama. He and Kurogane have been childhood friends, and they love each other, but are not honest about it.
After the Camelot Cup, just like Tristan, Lancelot, Charles, and Percival who were actually watching, he acknowledges Gawain's phantom score as his true ability. His relationship significantly changes before and after the Camelot Cup, and he challenges Gawain to absorb what he lacks by offering to compete in a round against him.
He handles a 55-inch long driver and, although he doesn't possess a Gift, he can drive over 400 yards, rivaling those who do. After the Camelot Cup, he further increases his driving distance, but in the Draco contest against Sugakawa, betting on Kurogane, he uses a specially ordered driver that is 80 inches long with triple X shaft stiffness, recording the longest distance in the drama at that time, 446 yards. However, even with a 55-inch driver, the strain is too much to hit repeatedly, and after hitting once with the 55-inch and twice with the 80-inch, he cuts a tendon and becomes unable to ever play golf again. Afterwards, he becomes a club craftsman and marries Kurogane, with whom he has a son. In "Ultra Red," a judo athlete with the same surname appears.
Average driver distance: 315Y
Average putts: 1.7
Best score: -7

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(Last edited time: July 1, 2024, 12:47 p.m.)

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