Tristan Liones
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Tristan Liones

トリスタン・リオネス, Tristan Liones, 特里斯坦·里奥涅斯
Gender: Male
Original Name: トリスタン・リオネス


Tristan Liones studies at Camelot Academy's UK branch and is the strongest among golfers of his generation. He uses a unique form with irons, unmatched by anyone else. He possesses a gift called "Falling Star" that allows him to see the wind instead of just feeling or sensing it, confidently securing the hole with a single shot from 120 yards. At the Camelot Cup individual competition, he successfully made a chip-in from 160 yards.
Raised in a not-so-wealthy family, his father worked multiple jobs to fund his son's golf training but passed away due to overwork. This became the fuel for Tristan's relentless drive, pushing him to aim for the pinnacle of the world in golf. Despite facing resentment from those around him, no one could match Tristan's almost superhuman play, and he continued his solitary pursuit of golf. He eventually encounters Gawain and Lancelot, who have similar gifts, and discovers the joy of a genuine competition for the first time.
Through his interactions with them, Tristan's perspective broadens slightly. At the club presentation ceremony after a victory, he almost conceded defeat to Gawain for the first time and attempted to resign. Before Gawain returned to Japan, Tristan came to see him off and offered him the club that was the prize. When Percival cried over a broken club caused by Ashcroft, Tristan, reminded of the time his father gave him a club, offered to have it fixed by a repairman, a friend of his father, showing a softer side than before.
Tristan quickly climbs to become a top player on the world stage but takes in a girl named Isolde who shares a similar background. For the sake of Isolde's happiness, he retires and leaves the golf world. He visits a tour with Gawain and Lancelot and watches the game, reminiscing about the past interactions, indicating he considers them friends.
Tristan is a handsome young man with a stature of 185 cm, later described by Zen as "looking like a movie actor." However, due to his distaste for his mother who abandoned his father, he has a complex about his appearance. There is no blood relation to the man who appeared as his father in the story, and he disowned his mother by his own choice during their divorce.
Average Driver Distance: 260Y
Average Putts: 1.3
Best Score: -15

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(Last edited time: July 1, 2024, 12:45 p.m.)

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