Camie Utsushimi
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Camie Utsushimi

現見 ケミィ(うつしみ けみぃ) / マボロミケミィ, Camie Utsushimi, 现见凯咪
Original Name: 現見 ケミィ(うつしみ けみぃ) / マボロミケミィ


Female student. Characterized by her thick lips and a cheerful, carefree personality. She speaks in modern slang, but often overuses it to the point of being misunderstood. According to Seiji Shishikura, she is "incredibly foolish," and during supplementary lessons, Gang Orca thought she seemed hopeless.
"Quirk": Illusion
Can create illusions for a short period of time. Capable of replicating scenes from nature or even producing voices when depicting people.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:44 p.m.)

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