Francis Midford
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Francis Midford

フランシス・ミッドフォード, Francis Midford, 法兰西丝·米多福特
Original Name: フランシス・ミッドフォード


Marchioness of the Midford family. Mother of Lizzy and Edward. The biological younger sister of Vincent Phantomhive.
A very strict and disciplined woman who despises laziness and desire above all. She is also known for her exceptionally high skill in swordsmanship, even as a woman. Rumor has it that she caught the eye of the Marquis of Midford, the head of the knights, by defeating him with overwhelming strength at a fencing tournament hosted by Her Majesty the Queen, which led to their marriage. Even after marriage, she continues her daily training, maintaining her youthful strength and beauty. She does not take kindly to men growing out their bangs and is one of the few who openly dislikes Sebastian. However, she does acknowledge Sebastian's abilities highly.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 9:42 p.m.)

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