

エクトプラズム, 灵质
Age: 41
Birthday: March 23
Gender: Male
Height: 180cm
Blood Type: AB
Voice Actor: Masakazu Nishida
Featured Anime: My Hero Academia

Character Introduction

A man with a mouth that extends to his ears. He is 41 years old. He has a unique way of speaking where everything except kanji is written in katakana.
In the past, he lost both legs to a villain and now wears prosthetic legs.
"Quirk": Clones
He can shoot ectoplasm from his mouth and transform it into clones of himself at any desired location. He can produce about 30 clones at once (but if he warms up his throat by singing 2-3 karaoke songs, he can produce up to 36 clones).
Forced Containment Giant Bites
He creates a giant clone of himself that swallows the target with its wide-open mouth. The swallowed target is absorbed into the clone's body.
A drawback is that while forming this large clone, he cannot produce other clones.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 15, 2024, 3:38 p.m.)

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