Hiroshi Nakagawa
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Hiroshi Nakagawa

中川 ひろし(なかがわ ひろし), Hiroshi Nakagawa, 中川宽
Gender: Male
Original Name: 中川 ひろし(なかがわ ひろし)


Ouran's brother. After graduating from university, he became a so-called NEET, not taking up a job and somewhat reclusive at home. He manages a blog and earns affiliate income. Online, he attacks those who pretend to be high-minded, but he is kind to lonely young people. In high school, he was a slender and handsome boy popular among the opposite sex. Now, he is obese, with his neck and chin indistinguishable due to the fat. In elementary school, he promised to marry Kadode, but she later withdrew, saying she couldn't handle his obesity.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 6:02 p.m.)

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