Shimotsuki Kozaburo

Shimotsuki Kozaburo

霜月 コウ三郎(しもつき コウざぶろう), 霜月耕三郎
Age: 68
Birthday: November 14
Gender: Male
Height: 221cm
Voice Actor: Teruo Seki
Manga debut: Chapter 1033
Anime debut: Episode 1060 (ONE PIECE)

Character Introduction

A samurai and swordsmith from the Wano Country, known for forging the swords "Wado Ichimonji" and "Enma." He was a master swordsman and the father of Koushirou, and the grandfather of Kuina. He is deceased.
An old man with connected eyebrows. He believed that swords are "man-slaying knives" made to take more lives, a philosophy he held as a swordsmith. In Shimotsuki Village, he was always seen fishing on the coast. Zoro used to call him "the old geezer of the village."
55 years ago, he illegally left Wano Country and after a great adventure, he landed in a place in the East Blue. There, he protected people from bandits and taught swordsmanship, eventually settling down and founding "Shimotsuki Village." He knew Zoro as a child, taught him the "Snatch" battle cry and about the nature of swords, and passed on one of his own forged swords to him.
Zoro learned from Koushirou that when he died, he was Kuina's grandfather, but he did not know his name or that he was a samurai from Wano Country. During the Wano Country arc, after hearing from Hitetsu, Zoro realized during his fight with King that the old geezer from the village was Kousaburo.

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(Last edited time: Sept. 12, 2024, 12:21 a.m.)

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