Ash Landers
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Ash Landers

アッシュ・ランダース, Ash Landers, 亞修
Gender: Female
Original Name: アッシュ・ランダース


Introduced in Season 1, Episode 15, he is the butler of Queen Victoria in the anime version. A tall man with flowing silver hair, his appearance is completely different from John in the original work. He acts as the queen's spokesperson and guard, carrying a rapier at his waist. He is responsible for delivering letters from the queen to the Phantomhive household. He prefers green tea.
His true identity is that of an angel, the same being as Angela. He is also the person responsible for joining the body of the queen with the late Duke Albert. Trusted deeply by the queen on the premise of being an angel, he plots to destroy humanity and create a world without impurity. However, in the final episode, he is brutally killed by Sebastian in his true form, and his body is crucified at the top of Tower Bridge.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 9:54 p.m.)

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