Queen Victoria
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Queen Victoria

ヴィクトリア, Queen Victoria, 维多利亚女王
Original Name: ヴィクトリア


Queen Victoria, the Queen of England. She is known as the queen who built the most glorious history in British history, expanding colonies around the world and developing Britain to be known as "the empire on which the sun never sets." She gained immense support from her people by setting trends in politics, fashion, events, and dances. There are rumors that she is the model for the "Rampaging Count."
According to Lau, she is a person with a strong character, often breaking down in tears wherever she is reminded of her late husband, Albert, whom she still loves dearly. She calls Ciel "boy" and holds Ciel's father, Vincent, in high regard. She is the only person Ciel cannot stand up to.
Ciel says that she can see "the butterfly effect that changes the world." Moreover, she is strict with those who cannot meet her demands, questioning the outcome of the Noah's Ark Circus incident and testing Ciel's qualifications as the "Queen's Watchdog" once again.
TV Anime Version
Voice - Ayako Kawasumi
She is completely different from the original work, always covering her face with black lace and letting her servant Ash speak on her behalf. She lacks the boldness to ride a horse into the curry contest venue. Her true face is that of a young girl, an immortal who has grafted herself onto her late husband's body. She is the mastermind Ciel was searching for, who killed Ciel's parents for purification and combined their bodies as a minimal tribute for their loyalty. She was abandoned by Ash when she refused his purification as her body began to decay, leading to her death.

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