Takeshi Tsujii
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Takeshi Tsujii

辻井武史(つじい たけし), Takeshi Tsujii, 辻井武史
Gender: Male
Original Name: 辻井武史(つじい たけし)


Kudan, an A-class player for 8 years, loves puns. Desperate to appear on TV, he once tried to officiate a match while hiding that he was sick with the flu, and at an event in Tendo City, he awkwardly said "Love me tender," creating an awkward atmosphere. He has many such incidents in his past, earning him the nickname "unfortunate handsome."
His performance is highly inconsistent, described in the story as having "good Takeshi days" and "bad Takeshi days." In the 20th Lion King Tournament quarterfinals, he loses to Rei, but in the Toyo Newspaper Society Open Tournament, it was a "good Takeshi day," and he completely defeated Rei. When he's in good form, his concentration is so high that he doesn't make puns, and he can even defeat Master Soya.

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 5:10 p.m.)

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