Kaede Azusagawa
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Kaede Azusagawa

梓川 かえで(あずさがわ かえで), Kaede Azusagawa, 梓川枫, 梓川花枫, あずさがわ かえで, 梓川 花楓
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 162cm
Original Name: 梓川 かえで(あずさがわ かえで)


Birthday - November 5th (Kaede), November 25th (Kanade), Height - 162cm (grew to 163cm by Volume 5)
First appearance in Volume 1. Heroine of Volume 5 and Volume 8. Sakuta's younger sister. 15 years old. A third-year middle school student, but currently not attending school. She has bright hair that reaches her shoulders, with naturally curly hair that flips out on both sides.
Her real name is Azusagawa Kanade. During middle school, she was bullied through social media by her classmates, and suffers from "Adolescence Syndrome," which causes physical wounds and bruises due to stress. The bullying caused her significant mental strain, leading to the development of dissociative identity disorder at the age of 13, causing her to forget everything about her family and form a separate personality. The alternate personality, Kanade, lived as "Kaede" based on Sakuta's suggestion.
Two years later, on November 26th, the morning after Kaede fell asleep, her personality reverted back to Kanade, and the existence of Kaede disappeared.
The following sections will explain each personality separately.
Azusagawa Kaede
Right-handed. Loves pandas and usually wears panda-patterned pajamas at home. Uses polite language with everyone, including Sakuta. Refers to herself as "Kaede" and refers to her pre-amnesia self as "Kanade-san."
Always cheerful, waking Sakuta up every morning is her daily routine. She tries to be the ideal sister for Sakuta, who accepted her as "Kaede," often sneaking into his bed, showing her brother complex. However, she is very cautious around strangers, especially those older than her, upon first meeting. Gradually, she becomes close with Mai and Nodoka.
Due to her experience of being bullied by classmates on social media, she developed a fear of phones, reacting sensitively even to the vibration of a smartphone. She hesitates to answer the home phone unless she confirms it's Sakuta calling. The bullying, dissociative identity disorder, and the risk of relapse of Adolescence Syndrome due to external contact led her to become a shut-in (she continued her middle school studies at home).
Initially, she couldn't step out of the apartment she lived in with Sakuta, but in Volume 5, she set multiple goals for social reintegration. Despite suffering from Adolescence Syndrome, with the help of not only Sakuta but also Mai and Nodoka, she practiced going out and attending school. Her last day was when Sakuta took her to the school at night, achieving her goals. The next day, she woke up as Kanade, and at the same time, the existence of Kaede came to an end.
Azusagawa Kanade
Left-handed. In Volume 5, her personality returned to the original "Kanade," and she has no memory of the time she was "Kaede," which is a blank two-year period for her (the diary left by Kaede is all Kanade knows of those two years). Kanade has a quieter personality compared to Kaede, but still shows some tendencies of being a brother's girl.
In Volume 6, Mai took her to the beauty salon she frequents, where she changed her hairstyle to a bob cut, making it a bit shorter.
In Volume 8, to fulfill "Kaede's" wish, she hoped to attend the same Minegahara High School as Sakuta, but fell ill during the entrance exams. However, due to under-enrollment, she was accepted into Minegahara High School. Triggered by Sakuta's stories and meeting Hirokawa Uzuki, arranged by Sakuta, she decided to attend the same correspondence high school as Uzuki. After getting used to attending school, she started going to middle school in the third term and successfully attended the graduation ceremony (Volume 9). Since then, she has not shown symptoms of Adolescence Syndrome.
From Volume 10 onwards, taking advantage of the correspondence high school, she lives a life traveling between Fujisawa City, where she originally lived, and Yokohama City, where her parents reside. Sakuta also starts working part-time at a family restaurant, becoming close with Tomoe, and overcoming her trauma, she starts using a smartphone and encourages Sakuta to do the same. She has also become a big fan of Uzuki, often inviting her childhood friend Kotomi and others to Sweet Bullet's concerts. She often goes out to eat and play with Mai and Nodoka as a group of four siblings.

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(Last edited time: June 25, 2024, 10:44 p.m.)

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