Miwako Tomobe
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Miwako Tomobe

友部 美和子(ともべ みわこ), Miwako Tomobe, 友部美和子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 友部 美和子(ともべ みわこ)


First appeared in volume 5, described as being in her 40s in volume 11. A clinical psychologist. She also serves as the school counselor at Kaede Azusagawa's middle school, and was responsible for addressing Kaede's absenteeism. Sakuta Azusagawa calls her "Tomobe-san" and Kaede Azusagawa (Kaede) calls her "Miwako-sensei".
She considers and advises in various ways to ensure that Kaede Azusagawa, who started wanting to go to school, does not bear too much emotional burden.
When she met Sakuta Azusagawa again in volume 11, she was involved in Ikumi's volunteer activities and talked to Sakuta Azusagawa about Ikumi.

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(Last edited time: June 25, 2024, 10:44 p.m.)

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