Tisse Garland

Tisse Garland

ティセ・ガーランド, 媞瑟·迦兰德

Character Introduction

A petite girl with the blessing of the "Assassin". After Gideon left the Hero Party, Ares contracted her through the Assassins' Guild to fill the gap, and she joined the Hero Party. She had heard from a colleague how to pilot an airship, so she was entrusted with piloting the airship found in the ruins, and accompanied Ruti as the pilot when Ruti headed to Zoltan by airship. From then on, she teamed up with Ruti, learned about the troubles she was facing, wished to support her, and became Ruti's first friend. She acts together with her spider companion, "Mr. Ugeuge".
Due to her training as an assassin, she does not show her emotions on her face, so she appears calm and collected to those around her, but she is actually a timid person with rich emotions. Initially, she was frightened by Ruti's aura, and while disguised as a civilian in Zoltan, she internally criticized Ruti's outrageous and naive actions as being unreasonable, and sometimes escaped from reality.
Among the Hero Party, she is the most sensible, but she shows a strong preference for her own hobbies and tastes. She loves baths and oden, and is known as a bath reviewer within the Assassins' Guild, never missing a chance to review baths, and gets excited talking about rice being used in oden, which completely changed Red's image of an assassin. As an assassin, she sometimes shows strong pride, and does not forgive assassins who leave the Assassins' Guild without permission, perform assassinations in the name of the guild, or leak client information for self-preservation.
She was critically injured by Ruti, who was manipulated by the impulses of the Hero's blessing due to Shisandan's scheme, but was treated by Theodora.
Mr. Ugeuge
Tisse's small spider companion, who has the blessing of the "Warrior". Despite its small size, it does not die from being stepped on. It also possesses cooking skills.
Additionally, since his name is "Mr. Ugeuge" and "san" is part of the name, if you add the honorific "san" it becomes "Mr. Ugeuge-san". Tisse corrects it every time someone calls him "Ugeuge".

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(Last edited time: Aug. 13, 2024, 6:17 p.m.)

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