Yousetsu Awase
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Yousetsu Awase

泡瀬 洋雪(あわせ ようせつ)/ ウェルダー, Yousetsu Awase, 泡濑洋雪
Original Name: 泡瀬 洋雪(あわせ ようせつ)/ ウェルダー


A male student characterized by a bandana, reversed hair, thick eyebrows, and sanpaku eyes.
He has a reliable, modern personality. Forms a "stopper combo" with Itsuka Kendou.
His hero costume is unique, resembling work clothes with the front part of armor, and his waist bag contains cylindrical steel beams.
He seems to be interested in Momo Yaoyorozu.
"Quirk": Welding
Can fuse objects together at the molecular level by touch.
The weakness is that it doesn't activate unless he is touching the objects he wants to join.
Quick Construction Weld Craft
Uses his own metal to weld opponents to pillars, restraining them.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:39 p.m.)

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