Togaru Kamakiri

Togaru Kamakiri

鎌切 尖(かまきり とがる), 镰切尖, ジャックマンティス
Birthday: January 7
Gender: Male
Height: 189cm
Blood Type: A
Voice Actor: Kiyotaka Furushima
Featured Anime: My Hero Academia

Character Introduction

A male student characterized by a green mohawk, a face resembling a mantis, and large tusk-like protrusions from both cheeks. He is actually the second tallest in the Hero Course.
Due to his good reflexes and agility as an attacker, he is often entrusted with leading the charge in team battles.
He has a very combative personality and frequently makes aggressive remarks, which are kept in check by Awase.
His hero costume includes a dark mask covering his eyes, a shirt with a zigzag pattern, and tattered cloth, giving him a villainous appearance.
He trains with Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, possibly due to their shared toughness. According to Kamakiri, Tokage is not worth slicing because she can disassemble herself.
Quirk: Razor Sharp
He can produce blades from his entire body.
The shape of the blades can change according to their use, and they have high cutting power.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 15, 2024, 3:44 p.m.)

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