Shuuichi Iguchi
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Shuuichi Iguchi

スピナー / 伊口 秀一(いぐち しゅういち), Shuuichi Iguchi, 编织者/伊口秀一
Original Name: スピナー / 伊口 秀一(いぐち しゅういち)


A villain who admires Stain. In the "Meta Liberation Army," he serves as the captain of the action squad "BROWN" alongside Mr. Compress.
He has a lizard-man-like appearance with pink hair and dresses in a style mimicking Stain. He is 21 years old. His weapon is a giant sword made up of various blades bound together with belts and chains. Born in a rural town where prejudice against heteromorphic types still remains, he was derogatorily called "Lizard Guy" growing up. However, he was inspired by Stain during the Hosu incident and joined the League.
After hearing Tomura Shigaraki's own feelings in response to a question from Doctor Ujiko, he becomes interested in seeing Shigaraki's future.
"Quirk": Gecko
Allows him to stick to walls. It is a weaker reptilian-type "Quirk" within the Iguchi family.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:38 p.m.)

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