Kouta Izumi
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Kouta Izumi

出水 洸汰(いずみ こうた), Kouta Izumi, 出水洸汰
Original Name: 出水 洸汰(いずみ こうた)


A young boy who stays under the care of Mandalay from the Wild, Wild Pussycats. He is 5 years old. His parents were heroes but died in the line of duty about two years ago while protecting civilians from a villain. He was then entrusted to his cousin, Mandalay.
At first glance, he appears to have a sharp-tongued and spirited personality, but he is actually timid and cowardly. Since his parents died as heroes, he initially resented heroes. However, when he was attacked by Muscular, who was responsible for his parents' death, Izuku risked his life to save him, leading him to appreciate Izuku as his hero.
He possesses a "Quirk" that allows him to eject large amounts of water from his palms.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:35 p.m.)

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