Sukuna Ryoumen
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Sukuna Ryoumen

両面宿儺(りょうめんすくな), Sukuna Ryoumen, 两面宿傩
Gender: Male
Original Name: 両面宿儺(りょうめんすくな)


Known as the "King of Curses," Sukuna is a special grade cursed object that appears by incarnating in Yuuji Itadori. In the story, he is often simply referred to as "Sukuna."
When Sukuna takes control of the body, patterns emerge all over his body, and his nails grow black and sharp. While maintaining Yuuji's ego, he can also manifest mouths on his face and hands to speak. Inside Yuuji's body, in his innate domain, he wears a wide-sleeved white kimono for women, and the innate domain is a space under a giant object resembling ribs, filled with water and cow skulls.
Ryoumen Sukuna is a mythical demon with four arms and two faces, but the Sukuna in the story was a human who lived over a thousand years ago. He is called Sukuna because his appearance and strength resemble those of the mythical demon. Additionally, the historical Sukuna is depicted with two types of weapons. During the height of the age of jujutsu, sorcerers united their forces to challenge Ryoumen Sukuna but were defeated by the strongest sorcerer in history. Later, for some reason, he made a contract with a binding vow and became a cursed object after death, leaving behind twenty fingers as special grade cursed objects. At that time, the sorcerers could only seal them, and they were later scattered. It is impossible to destroy this cursed object, and in modern times, the loosening of the seals has begun to attract curses.
Sukuna has a cruel nature, preferring to massacre women and children, and lives solely by his own pleasures and dislikes. He despises any hierarchy other than strength and takes a strong interest in those he recognizes as "strong," while he enjoys unilaterally tormenting those he considers "weak." While he finds Yuuji "boring," he has developed a strong interest in Megumi Fushiguro (especially his "trump card") following the events at the Eishuu Juvenile Detention Center. Additionally, Sukuna plays word games with Yuuji and takes advantage of opportunities to consume his own fingers, showing a cunning side.
Sukuna is unaffected by Mahito's "Idle Transfiguration," but he dislikes having his soul touched by Mahito. Conversely, Sukuna can inflict damage on Mahito's body. While he controls the body, he can continue to live even if his heart is removed. He is proficient in physical combat and has mastered using Yuuji's body immediately after incarnating.
His technique is "Mizushi," and he can deploy his own domain, "Fukuma Mizushi." He can also use a reverse cursed technique to regenerate limbs and heal others, and he can extend his domain. He can quickly learn any jujutsu technique he sees once. His cursed energy is more than double that of Uraume Yuuta, and his cursed energy efficiency is second only to Satoru Gojo, who possesses the Six Eyes.
Initially in the story, Yuuji gains the ability to exorcise cursed spirits by consuming one of Sukuna's fingers, leading to Sukuna's resurrection in his body. However, Sukuna is unable to completely take over the body and is later overwhelmed by Satoru Gojo. Since then, Sukuna has created his innate domain, "Fukuma Mizushi," inside Yuuji's body, where he usually lies low, occasionally exercising control over the body.
At the Eishuu Juvenile Detention Center, Sukuna gains control of the body with Yuuji's consent, exorcises a special grade cursed spirit, and absorbs the finger it had ingested. However, since Yuuji had not set any restrictions, Sukuna could not immediately switch back, and he took advantage of this to gouge out Yuuji's heart, taking him hostage and engaging in combat with Megumi Fushiguro, but Yuuji regains control of the body and dies. At this time, Sukuna plots something with Megumi Fushiguro. Later, he revives Yuuji by pulling him into his domain and making a contract that if Sukuna chants "Keikatsu," he will relinquish the body for one minute, during which Sukuna will not kill or injure anyone, and Yuuji will forget this contract.
During the Shibuya Incident, Yuuji, having been knocked unconscious in a fight with Choso, ingests a total of eleven fingers, temporarily giving Sukuna control of the body. He kills Mimiko and Nanako, engages in combat with Jogo, involving Panda, Kusakabe, and other sorcerers, kills Jogo, rescues a critically injured Megumi Fushiguro from Mahoraga, and then kills Haruta Shigemo. He carries Megumi to a medical tent near the Ieiri family's location and switches consciousness with Yuuji. During the Culling Game, Megumi Fushiguro is devastated to learn that his sister has become a vessel for a thousand curses, and Sukuna switches with Yuuji, chanting "Keikatsu," curses the fingers, and forcibly feeds them to Megumi, whom he had been eyeing as a vessel, to incarnate in his body.
"Kai" and "Hachi" are two types of slashing techniques he controls. Inspired by Mahoraga's adaptability, he sublimates it into a world-severing slash that can cut through space and the world by expanding the target.
A normal slashing attack. The slash can be projected.
A slashing attack that unloads in one stroke depending on the difference in cursed energy and strength of the target. He also uses a technique called "Spider's Thread," which slices the target with a web-like blade pattern.
Activated by the curse word "Fuga," this is a flaming technique. The flames are loaded like arrows and released with enough power to slaughter Mahoraga.
Domain Expansion "Fukuma Mizushi"
A giant structure resembling a kitchen appears, and during the domain expansion, "Kai" continuously strikes those without cursed energy, and "Hachi" strikes those with cursed energy. Unlike other domains, it does not divide space with a barrier, and by "giving the opponent a way to escape," the guaranteed hit range is boosted to a maximum radius of about 200 meters.
Ten Shadows Technique (Tokusa no Kageboujutsu)
Megumi Fushiguro's technique. Sukuna has subdued all the shikigami. Simultaneous use with Mizushi is generally not possible, except for external applications added to the domain.
Only the ability to release full-image water is manifested, compressing the water like the Red Blood Manipulation Technique's Senketsu and firing it.
"Kangoujuu Agito"
A humanoid shikigami that inherits "Nue" with "Orochi" and "Enroku," and "Kosou" through blending (kon). It controls cursed energy with the properties of electricity from Nue and the reverse cursed technique of Enroku.
"Yatsukatsurugi Ikaishinshou Makora"
The strongest shikigami. It has the ability to adapt to any event, such as receiving an opponent's attack. Sukuna operates by shouldering Makora's adaptability, allowing him to escape destruction while deciphering the opponent's techniques.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:14 p.m.)

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