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メイリン(美玲), Mey-Rin, 美玲
Gender: Female
Height: 165cm
Original Name: メイリン(美玲)


The sole female member of the close-knit trio of servants in the Phantomhive household, a 23-year-old housemaid. She stands at 165cm tall and is a young woman who wears large round glasses. Chinese by birth, she speaks with a Chinese accent, characterized by her distinctive use of "ですだよ" in her speech. She's always flustered, often breaking dishes and making numerous mistakes in her maid duties, making her a bit of a klutz. Despite her glasses and dialect giving her a countryside girl image and not standing out much, she actually has a glamorous figure. In reality, she is extremely farsighted, capable of spotting targets without a scope with her naked eyes, and is an incredible sniper. She is also agile, proficient with dual pistols. She holds a belief that both a maid and an assassin's job is to "cleanse the master of any troublesome 'dirt'." Her clumsiness is mainly due to her extreme farsightedness, as even with corrective glasses for distance, she struggles to see things up close.
As a child, she traveled from China to England with her parents on a tea transport ship, but soon after, her parents died of an epidemic, leaving her to live as a street urchin in London. To survive, she teamed up with two other Chinese street urchins to steal expensive earrings from noblewomen by shooting them off with a slingshot. However, in 1877, after targeting the woman of a Qing Bang boss, her companions were killed, and she was forced to work as a sniper named "Owl" for Hak, a high-ranking member of the organization, being exploited for about 10 years to assassinate key figures of rival organizations. After Ciel became the Queen's Watchdog, Hak, who resented him, ordered her assassination. However, the attempt failed as Lau had previously leaked information about the assassination to Ciel, leading to her capture by Sebastian. Facing certain execution if she returned to the organization, she accepted Sebastian's offer to become a maid for the Phantomhives. Previously, she had a masculine demeanor, referring to herself as "オレ" (ore), had short hair, and wore men's clothing, but upon switching to a maid, her appearance and speech were refined under Nina's coordination and Sebastian's guidance.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 10:38 p.m.)

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