Mika Kuromine
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Mika Kuromine

黒峰 美花(くろみね みか), Mika Kuromine, 黑峰美花
Original Name: 黒峰 美花(くろみね みか)


She is childhood friends with Toudouin. She has long black hair and exudes a terrifying aura almost like a ghost, often compared to Sadako from "The Ring" in the story, but she is a serious and strong-willed beauty who has received admiration from Suga River, Kanazono, and others. She has an exceptional talent for putting, possessing a gift that allows her to see serpentine putting lines, distinct from Lancelot's. She was supposed to participate in the Camelot Cup but lost a game of putting to the transfer student Lancelot and yielded her right to participate in the Cup to him. Initially, her gift allowed her to see multiple lines, but after her game with Lancelot, she was told that seeing multiple lines indicated hesitance, and so, through special training during the Camelot Cup, she evolved to see just one line like Lancelot.
As their enrollment periods did not overlap, it seems she joined Camelot Academy from middle school. Several years later, she would marry Toudouin. She is a fan of Kiria and feels a kinship with Kiria's viper-like, tenacious play style. The character is modeled after Miss Kuromine, the original author Suzuki Nao's assistant at the time (tentatively), who is now Mrs. Suzuki.
Average driver distance: 220 yards
Average putts per round: 1.2
Best score: -4

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(Last edited time: July 1, 2024, 12:46 p.m.)

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