Yui Kodai
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Yui Kodai

小大 唯(こだい ゆい) / ルール, Yui Kodai, 小大唯
Original Name: 小大 唯(こだい ゆい) / ルール


Female student. Characterized by her black bob haircut.
Expressionless and taciturn, her catchphrases are "ne," "n," and "nnn!"
Her favorite food is tomatoes. She particularly dislikes Phantom Thief and is cold towards him.
Her hero costume, possibly due to her Quirk which allows her to change sizes, resembles Ultraman with a red and white bodysuit and a visor with a crest. She wears pouches around her shoulders and waist for storage.
In middle school, unbeknownst to her, she had a fan club.
"Quirk": Size
She can freely change the size of non-living objects.
She can make small objects like nuts as big as a person. Like Uraraka, she can deactivate the effect by bringing her hands together.

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(Last edited time: April 25, 2024, 6:48 p.m.)

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