Patrick Phelps
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Patrick Phelps

パトリック・フェルペス, Patrick Phelps, 柏多利克・菲比斯
Original Name: パトリック・フェルペス


The heir to the major shipbuilding and maritime company "Blue Star Line." A guest invited to a formal dinner. A very timid young man who is always nervous. On the other hand, he has the skills to be in charge of the company's trade department. He is well aware of Lau and others from Kunlun as competitors and is scared of them. After the discovery of Jimen's corpse, fearing he would be killed next because his room was next to Jimen's, he borrows Ciel's room but is found dead the next morning from a mysterious poison, becoming the third victim following Sebastian. At the end of the story, it is revealed that he died from being bitten by one of Snake's venomous snakes, which had infiltrated the mansion with the intent of targeting Ciel's life, and he was merely caught up in the situation.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 9:32 p.m.)

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