

ヤランドララ, 雅兰朵拉拉

Character Introduction

A High Elf member of the Hero's Party blessed with the "Singer of the Woods" blessing. She has known Gideon (Red) since before the formation of the Hero's Party and deeply trusts him. Her personality is cheerful, and like typical High Elves, she exhibits passion and playfulness, trusting and never betraying those she considers friends. Her affection for Gideon is as strong as Ruti's, to the extent she's comfortable with intimate physical affection like a lover, but out of fear of losing loved ones again, she strictly maintains her stance as a friend wishing for Gideon's happiness.
She lacks a sense of shame significantly, and when it was time to separate men and women at the hot springs, she boldly suggested to Gideon, who had moved away, that they should bathe together while being completely nude.
She joined the Hero's Party during the battle of Rogavia, but upon learning that Ares had banished Gideon, she left the party to search for him alone.
Though originally part of the Hero's Party, she criticized the burden of facing the threat of the Demon Lord being shouldered by the Hero alone and sympathized with Ruti's circumstances since Ruti is Gideon's sister. As a High Elf with a long lifespan and great curiosity, she embarked on sea adventures and even founded the Renkaryu pole martial arts school, and while enjoying a slow life in Zoltan, she would energetically defeat the local fighters in the arena, surprising the martial artist Danan with how she balanced peace and combat.
After Ruti settled down in Zoltan, she left the city after meeting Godwin and ended up reuniting with Red (Gideon), Rit, and Ruti. Initially upset that Red and Rit had fled their party and homeland, she intended to take them to her homeland, the Kingdom of Kiramin, to protect them from further betrayal. However, seeing how much Red and the others loved their life in Zoltan, she decided to stay and observe whether they could be happy in Zoltan.
Originally, she barely trusted Godwin because he was a criminal and was so furious to hear from Zoltan's residents that Godwin had targeted Red and the others' lives that she set out to decimate him in a massive rampage in Zoltan, but Tisse and Mystorm stopped her, leading her to lower her weapons. After reuniting with Red and the others, she came to regard Godwin as a comrade for the journey, and also became friends with Tisse and Mystorm. Especially with Tisse, whom she learned was Ruti's first close friend, she apologized for having previously turned her blade against her. Delighted by Ruti's recovery of emotions after gaining control over the Hero's Blessing, she reaffirmed her friendship with her anew.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 13, 2024, 6:17 p.m.)

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