Jingo Raichi
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Jingo Raichi

雷市 陣吾(らいち じんご), Jingo Raichi, 雷市阵吾
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Original Name: 雷市 陣吾(らいち じんご)


Rank: 294th → First Screening 269th → Second Screening 95th → Third Screening ?th
A person characterized by blonde hair and jagged teeth. Before coming to Ao Academy, he was a member of the Ikari Hill Soccer Club.
His weapon is his elegant shooting technique (which he calls "sexy football"), stamina, and he also utilizes his physique and insight for defense.
He is one of the more assertive individuals at Ao Academy, confident but with a foul mouth and aggressive nature, often grabbing others by the collar. Later, he shows unexpected leadership, scolding and encouraging his teammates.
During the first screening, he was the most angered and hateful towards Kuon for betraying them, attacking him and receiving a yellow card, and nearly getting a red card for his abusive language.
In the subsequent Team V match, even though Kuon committed a red card-worthy foul to save Team Z from a crisis, he unexpectedly punched Kuon saying, "I'll hate you forever, but let's end the betrayal issue here!" and let bygones be bygones.
In the match against the U-20 Japan national team, he wasn't chosen as a starter but was selected as one of the substitutes chosen by Eikokoro.
For the "New Hero Wars," he chose Germany. His physical contact strength and ball-stealing ability in 1vs1 situations were recognized during training, and he was appointed as a midfielder in the match against Italy.
During the Star Chance System, Kiyoshi suggested a strict marking within a 2m radius semicircle around Snuffy, staying in Snuffy's line of sight to erase his vast attack patterns, and Kiyoshi preemptively defended against Yuverse's attacks through "Remote Defense Coordination." Snuffy acknowledged his core strength and tenacity, and after the Italy match, he received a salary of 18 million (ranked 20th at the time).
He couldn't hide his joy at receiving a salary within the selection range, but showed signs of anxiety as he dropped to 23rd place, the cutoff, by the end of the 7th and 8th matches without participating in Germany.

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(Last edited time: July 4, 2024, 4:41 p.m.)

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