Nagamasa Moura
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Nagamasa Moura

毛原 長昌(もうら ながまさ) / チューイー, Nagamasa Moura, 毛原长昌
Original Name: 毛原 長昌(もうら ながまさ) / チューイー


Class representative of Class 1-A in the second year. Characterized by body hair that covers the entire body. Unlike U.A. High School, where teachers select class representatives based on academic performance and conduct, Shiketsu High School recognizes students who are acknowledged by adults for their qualities. As mentioned earlier, he is calm and polite, and apologized to Bakugo for Seiji Shishikura's rudeness. He also demonstrated excellent leadership by cautioning Inasa Yoarashi for recklessly using his Quirk to save people without ensuring their safety during the provisional license exam.
"Quirk": Hair Extension
Can freely control his elastic body hair, but its length tends to tangle, which is a drawback.

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(Last edited time: April 25, 2024, 6:48 p.m.)

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