Yukiko Takada
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Yukiko Takada

高田 雪子(たかだ ゆきこ), Yukiko Takada, 高田雪子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 高田 雪子(たかだ ゆきこ)


Taiyō's older sister.
A first-year student at Sonobe Middle School (second-year in the sixth-grade edition). She usually ties her shoulder-length black hair into two braids without any weaving at the back of her head. She looks very much like Taiyō, with slightly thicker eyebrows.
Her personality is similar to Taiyō's, being cheerful, sociable, and straightforward. She attends cram school. She took a liking to Akane when they first met due to her fresh reactions, and since then, she has been fond of her, passing on her own elementary school clothes and yukatas to Akane. She describes Akane as an "angel." The phrase Yukiko said when giving her clothes, "You should wear what you want without holding back," encouraged Akane to dress fashionably. Realizing Akane's feelings for Taiyō from her initial reactions, she has since been supporting their relationship, including setting up a date for them at the cultural festival. She is friends with Kasumi, Kotarō's older sister, and calls her "Kasumi." In the sixth-grade edition, she is seen lamenting that she wants a boyfriend.

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(Last edited time: April 17, 2024, 4:59 p.m.)

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