Junko Kurokawa
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Junko Kurokawa

黒川 純子(くろかわ じゅんこ), Junko Kurokawa, 黑川纯子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 黒川 純子(くろかわ じゅんこ)


A female student who bullies Akane. She has black hair styled in a bun and wears glasses. Somewhat self-centered and precocious, she is one of the girls in the group that teases Akane, along with Sumire, Morikuchi, and Yanagieda. She belongs to the subculture group. Because she is precocious, she tries to slander Taiyō by mentioning kissing and impure relationships, but it doesn't go well as Taiyō takes her seriously or points out her contradictions. By the summer vacation of fifth grade, it is depicted that she has noticed Sumire's feelings for Taiyō. In fact, when Sumire said that Akane's cat was cute, she was frustrated by her not agreeing with her. In the third term of fifth grade, Sumire changes her mind and starts to think that Kurokawa and others who tease Akane are uncool. In the sixth grade, because Sumire becomes reluctant to interact with Akane under the same circumstances as Kitagawa and fears that Akane and Taiyō's relationship is progressing without her knowledge, she starts to hang out more with Akane's group of friends, which reduces her appearances despite being classmates in Class 6-1.

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(Last edited time: April 17, 2024, 5:06 p.m.)

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