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リヒト(パトリ), Licht, 里希特, 帕特利
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Original Name: リヒト(パトリ)


Born on December 24th, 26 years old. Height 172 cm. Blood type O. Likes his fellow elves.
The leader of the "Eye of the Midnight Sun." A male with a symbol resembling the Eye of Magic on his forehead. His magic attribute is "light."
He is the owner of a four-leaf grimoire and one of the few in the history of the Clover Kingdom known to wield "light magic." He can move at speeds faster than the Wizard King, releasing swords of light at invisible speeds.
His true identity is Patolli, an elf boy reincarnated in the body of Vangeance. Reincarnated in a form resembling Licht, he calls himself Licht, revives the reincarnated elves, and decides to take revenge on humans. He first resurrects the souls of Rhya, Vetto, and Fana with forbidden magic, then gathers magic stones to activate the forbidden magic to reincarnate all elves, using the destruction of the Clover Kingdom and the establishment of an independent nation as a pretext to manipulate humans and form the Eye of the Midnight Sun.
In the Nean's Cave, he reveals his true form to save Sally and engages in battle with Yami who arrives to help. Despite being at a disadvantage due to poor compatibility, he is temporarily supported by Fana's healing magic before retreating after Yami's surprise attack. However, Asta's anti-magic sword strikes him down, breaking the sealing magic cast on him, and he is forced to retreat after being suppressed by the Eye of the Midnight Sun's sealing magic.
While the Royal Knights are attacking their base, he battles Julius but is put at a disadvantage. He removes the seal and targets the lives of all citizens, but Julius saves them with time-reversal magic. Taking advantage of Julius's vulnerability, he inflicts a fatal wound, steals the magic stone, and flees back to the base. After placing all the magic stones in the tablet and speaking as the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, Licht reveals his true intentions and activates a large-scale reincarnation magic.
Later, he targets Yuno in the Shadow Palace to obtain the last magic stone but is interrupted when Rhya is severely injured by Zagred, who was possessing Ronne. Enraged by the truth of the elves' destruction revealed by the materialized Zagred, he attacks but is captured by word soul magic. Learning the true purpose of the elves' reincarnation, he despairs at being merely a pawn, and his grimoire is transformed into a five-leaf clover and taken away. He then becomes a Dark Elf and activates "demon light magic," attacking Asta and others with his resentment towards humans. However, he is restrained by Nozel's mercury magic and confronted by Asta in his mental world. Persuaded by Asta, he regains his sanity. With the support of the resurrected Lumiere and the recovered Licht, he fights alongside Asta and Yuno against Zagred and wins. Afterwards, the power of the Demon-Destroyer Sword releases the reincarnation of the other elves, but Rades revives him by placing his soul into a clone of Licht's body, allowing him to meet Vangeance in person for the first time and decide to live in the modern world.
He later resides in Elysia, a sanctuary built by a descendant of Licht and Tetia, where he is guided by the oracle of the guardian deity, the Great Tree Dryad, to bring Noelle and others who survived Vanica's curse bomb explosion in the Heart Kingdom. To help them defeat Vanica and Megicula, who they could not overcome in half a year, he suggests using the ultimate magic of the elves. After training, he also participates in the confrontation in the Spade Kingdom.
Magic List
Light Magic
"Judgment of Light Swords" - Creates numerous light swords in the air and releases them over a wide area. During demon light magic, the number of swords increases and their speed rises.
"Divine Punishment of Light" - Emits high-output light over a wide area. Described by Yami (before learning Dimension Slash) as a magic so powerful that even he could not fully defend against it. Yami predicted that only the sword would remain intact if Asta tried to deflect it with the anti-magic sword.
"Arrows of Judgment" - Releases countless light swords from the sky, covering the entire Clover Kingdom. This magic can be used by Licht (Patolli) after releasing the sealing magic.
Unnamed Technique - A large sword of light resembling the shape of the Demon-Destroyer Sword, used to pierce through Julius's body.
Light Creation Magic
"Whip of Judgment" - Creates a long whip of light to attack, possessing immense power and range. Used to destroy the inside of a cave in the story.
Light Healing Magic
"Healing Light Particles" - Instantly regenerates wounds with light.

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(Last edited time: June 27, 2024, 4:07 p.m.)

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