Ryūsei Shidō
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Ryūsei Shidō

士道 龍聖(しどう りゅうせい), Ryūsei Shidō, 士道龙圣
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Original Name: 士道 龍聖(しどう りゅうせい)


Rank: Second selection 111th place → 2nd place → Third selection 3rd place
Special participation in the second half of the U-20 selection.
Born in Tokyo. The only member who is unaffiliated.
Characterized by dark skin and flashy blonde hair. A top scorer in a different building from Kiyoshi. Has a rough personality with no hesitation to use violence. However, he often makes humorous remarks during matches and in daily life, which also stands out.
Possesses high physical abilities and sense, capable of scoring from any position or situation within the penalty area, even with his back to the goal post. However, his game-making and defensive skills are rough, and he can be outpaced by opponents outside the penalty area, showing weakness at first encounters.
Has strong values and aesthetics about soccer, claiming "No man loves soccer as fairly as I do," and uses violence against those he does not respect, but praises those he acknowledges.
Describes soccer as a "life activity," often using unique expressions.
His playing style is focused solely on scoring goals, which makes him quite incompatible with Rin, who uses rational thinking to score. In fact, during and after the matches in the third selection, there were constant quarrels and fights with Rin, who would not even look at him, let alone pass the ball, leading to severe verbal abuse and significant injuries inflicted on Rin after all matches in the third selection.
Later, at the request of Ito Saeru, and because Shido did not fit well with a team centered around Rin, Shido was recruited as a member of the U-20 Japan team, standing as an opponent to be defeated.
During the initial meeting with the U-20 Japan team, he clashed with the ace Sendou and was subdued by Aizora, causing discord within the team, which initially led to him being benched. However, at halftime, under Aizora's instructions to retain the disappointed Saeru, Shido was brought in for the second half. He showed overwhelming offensive power in excellent chemical reaction with Saeru, facing Saeru's "challenge pass" continuously, outsmarting the Blue Prison selection team and scoring a super goal from outside the penalty area. He also came to recognize Saeru's abilities and potential more than anyone else, becoming friendly and even offering to exchange contact information (although Saeru found Shido's familiarity bothersome, he replied, "Think about it if you score a hat-trick").
In the final phase, Saeru almost scored a hat-trick with a pass that surpassed Rin's thinking, but it was barely stopped by Kiyoshi, and ultimately Kiyoshi scored the winning goal, leading to the defeat of the U-20 Japan team. However, as Saeru's mistake would have led to a goal, it was counted as the third point, and they exchanged contact information, with Saeru later agreeing to exchange it.
In the "New Hero Wars," he chose France. From the first match, he played a role in scoring one point.
The bid salary after the match against Italy was 20 million yen, and he was thrilled, saying, "I can eat lots of meat." After the match against England, he earned a salary of 25 million yen, and following the match against Spain, where he scored the winning goal including two goals, his annual salary rose to 100 million yen.

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(Last edited time: April 15, 2024, 4:56 p.m.)

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