

アトム, 阿童木
Gender: Male
Voice Actor: Youko Hikasa
Featured Anime: PLUTO

Character Introduction

The protagonist of the original version. In this work, after Gesicht's death, he inherits his soul as the protagonist. One of the world's most advanced robots, he participated in the 39th Central Asian Conflict as a peacekeeping force. Although he was reluctantly accepted as an idol, he was welcomed on the battlefield as a "messenger of peace." Currently, he lives with a family in Tokyo City, Japan, and attends elementary school.
Originally created by Dr. Tenma to resemble his son Tobio, who died in a traffic accident, his overly exemplary personality did not align with Tenma's intentions, making him unsuitable as a replacement for his deceased son. As a result, he was sold to a circus and toyed with, a past he carries. Among the world's most advanced robots, he possesses top-class artificial intelligence (Tenma-type artificial brain). As he imitates human behavior, he often comes to understand human emotions. According to Tenma's theory that "an excellent artificial brain is something that grows, not something that is made," Atom, who could not fully understand his creator Tenma's true intentions, is considered a "failure." However, the harsh fate imposed by Tenma and various experiences helped Atom's artificial brain to grow.
After pursuing Uran and fighting Pluto, he was confirmed dead, but unlike the other three, his body was not destroyed. He was revived from a comatose state after being implanted with Gesicht's memory chip by Dr. Tenma and being inspired by Epsilon's demise in distant Northern Europe.
Upon awakening, he deciphered all the truths hidden behind the incident, and while approaching the truth of Pluto, also known as Sahad, he was inspired by the regretful deaths of Gesicht and Epsilon. With an attitude full of "anger," he completed the construction formula of the anti-proton bomb and attempted to escape, worrying Ochanomizu, but he managed to control his anger. Later, he cross-referenced the investigation information from Gesicht's memory chip and grasped the full picture of the series of robot murder cases. After reporting these to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and visiting the resting places of the six fallen robots, he flew to the site of the final battle. Along the way, he encountered Helena and Brau, lying to Helena to conceal the tragedy of her beloved son Robita and the erased memories and truth that Gesicht realized. Brau praised him with emotion for acquiring a "heart," but Atom, hiding his resolve for a battle risking death, immediately responded "yes" to Brau's "Let's meet again." This brought a change to Brau's distorted artificial brain.
As Tenma pointed out, an excellent artificial brain learns to use lies as a means to settle matters peacefully, lying to both oneself and others. In this work, it was not Atom's physical enhancement that led to Pluto's defeat, but the evolution of Atom's artificial brain beyond Dr. Tenma's predictions. Even when emotions like "anger" and "hatred" arose, he controlled them, fully understanding the love Ochanomizu had for him. As Ochanomizu pointed out, "Even if you know it's too late, humans try to do something," Atom attempted to do something even when he theoretically couldn't stop Bora, showing that his artificial brain was evolving closer to that of a human. In the final stages, Atom's spirit of self-sacrifice, which he even acquired, moved Sahad, who empathized with him.
At Eden National Park, he clashed with Pluto, cornering him with the regret and hatred of Gesicht and others, but just before delivering the final blow, he remembered Gesicht's last memory, "Nothing is born from hatred," and pardoned Pluto. Then, to stop Earth's destruction, he infiltrated underground and confronted Bora, who possessed the anti-proton bomb, with Pluto's cooperation. Ultimately, thanks to Pluto's arrangement, only he was allowed to escape.
Together with Dr. Ochanomizu, Atom witnessed Sahad saving the Earth, and after observing everything, he prayed for the repose of the seven and wished for a day when hatred would disappear from the world.
His form is humanoid, resembling a Japanese boy. His head is covered with hair, not horns like the original (though it has a slight quirk, resembling the cowlick that inspired Tobio's hairstyle, which was based on Osamu Tezuka's cowlick). He possesses combat abilities similar to those in the original, such as flight (it is unclear if he has the "seven powers"). He does not wear boots like in the original.
"The World's Strongest Robot" version
He frequently encounters Pluto but does not reach a confrontation. While other robots are destroyed, he feels the difference in specs between them and requests enhancement modifications from Dr. Ochanomizu, but is opposed. Later, Dr. Tenma, who appears before Atom, enhances him to one million horsepower, and while bewildered by the immense power, he confronts Pluto. Note that in the original, he is modified to one million horsepower, but in the anime version, he is not enhanced and remains at one hundred thousand horsepower until the end.

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(Last edited time: Sept. 5, 2024, 7:03 p.m.)

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