

キュロス, 居鲁士
Age: 44
Birthday: September 22
Gender: Male
Height: 298cm
Voice Actor: Rikiya Koyama
Featured Anime: ONE PIECE

Character Introduction

Rebecca's father. Former gladiator of the Corrida Colosseum and former captain of the Dressrosa Kingdom's army. Originally from Dressrosa. 44 years old. Birthday is September 22nd (Kyros makes a double peace sign). Height is 298 cm. Virgo. Blood type S. Favorite food is shellfish dishes.
Once established a record of 3000 consecutive victories in the Corrida Colosseum, making him the strongest gladiator in history. There is a bronze statue in the colosseum commemorating his achievements. As a boy, he was impulsive and aggressive, but through his encounter with King Riku, he became a sincere and responsible person, earning the trust of the king and the citizens. He continues to regret the murder he committed in his youth and forbade himself from touching his daughter Rebecca with his blood-stained hands, always wearing gloves. He refers to Luffy and his group as "Land" just like the Tontatta tribe.
Unlike typical gladiators, he fights with only a sword and no shield, a style later adopted by King Riku and Rebecca. Even after losing a leg, he still possesses superhuman physical abilities and moves without difficulty.
At 15, he was a notorious delinquent in the slums, committing murder out of revenge for the death of his best friend and even harming King Riku. However, King Riku saw potential in him and made him a prisoner gladiator in the colosseum. He achieved 100 victories in just four months, earning the right to parole, but chose to stay in the colosseum, feeling unwanted outside. He continued to defeat numerous gladiators, including giants and fish-men, and the jeers from the spectators eventually turned into cheers for Kyros. Nine years later, he defeated King Riku, who had entered the colosseum in disguise, achieving 3000 undefeated victories. After the match with King Riku, he accepted the king's plea and decided to retire from being a gladiator. A year later, at the age of 25, he became the captain of King Riku's army and was assigned to guard Princesses Scarlett and Viola by royal command. Initially disliked by Scarlett due to his past, he won her favor after rescuing her from pirates. They later married, and after Rebecca was born, they spent happy times together as a family.
Ten years ago, during Doflamingo's coup, he stormed the palace to save King Riku, cutting off his own leg that was shackled with seastone and attacked Doflamingo but was turned into a one-legged toy soldier by Sugar. After carrying King Riku out of the palace, he headed to meet up with Scarlett and others but witnessed Scarlett's death from Diamante's gunfire, plunging him into deep sorrow. Since then, he has lived with Rebecca without revealing that he is her father, protecting her as a single parent. After rescuing Rebecca from kidnappers, he was wanted as the "Thunder Soldier of Rage." Later, Rebecca was captured by the Donquixote Family and made a prisoner gladiator like him. He then organized the "Little Riku Army" with the Tontatta tribe and prepared for the upcoming battle against Doflamingo.
Upon hearing the news of Doflamingo's abdication, he resolved to fight. He met Luffy and others at the entrance of the colosseum. After learning that Franky was planning to destroy the factory, he took them to the Riku Army's headquarters in the flower field, recounted the tragedy of Dressrosa from ten years ago, and initiated the "Dressrosa SOP Operation," heading to the palace. He managed to escape from Lao G in the lift and was saved by Luffy and others from being destroyed by Gladius in the palace, then headed to confront Doflamingo. The SOP operation succeeded, turning him back into a human, and he launched a decade-long attack on Doflamingo, decapitating him, but the severed head was a "shadow thread," making the surprise attack fail. He was then expelled from the palace by Pica's ability. Later, on his way back to the palace, he saved Rebecca from a crisis in the sunflower field and confronted Diamante, his wife's murderer. Despite Diamante's relentless attacks targeting Rebecca and his leg, he defeated him with a powerful strike filled with ten years of anger towards the suffering Dressrosa endured. After the turmoil, he announced the dissolution of the Little Riku Army. Concerned for Rebecca's happiness, he planned to disappear from her life, but after being persuaded by Rebecca, encouraged by Luffy, he decided to live with her again on the hilltop house. For the first time, he touched Rebecca directly, feeling the warmth of a human and shedding tears.
In the World Conference arc, he accompanies King Riku as a guard to Mary Geoise.
Jet Walk - Used during his time as a one-legged soldier. Moves at a speed where bullets cannot hit.
Thunder Destruction Sword (Trueno Bastardo) - A powerful sword strike filled with the anger of Dressrosa.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 24, 2024, 7:06 p.m.)

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