Ikki Niko
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Ikki Niko

二子 一揮(にこ いっき), Ikki Niko, 二子一挥
Gender: Male
Original Name: 二子 一揮(にこ いっき)


Rank: Preliminary Round 255th → Second Round 63rd → Third Round ?th
Position in the Blue Prison Selection Team: CB, Jersey Number 3.
The playmaker of Team Y. His weapon is a spatial awareness ability similar to Kiyoshi's and a brain that dominates the team.
He has long bangs that cover his eyes. He speaks politely and formally even to peers of the same age, but he also makes confident statements, combining calmness and courtesy in his personality.
Until middle school, he was a hobbyist Yu-Gi-Oh player, winning official tournaments with his skills. He was generally indifferent to things other than his hobbies, and was indifferent to bullying by soccer club classmates, but when his cherished Yu-Gi-Oh cards were torn, he became furious. At that time, he declared a soccer match 100 days later, saying, "I will crush what you cherish." Although he was not a soccer club member at the time, he used his natural athleticism and tactical eye developed through his hobby to lead a team made up of other club's aces and overwhelmingly defeated the soccer club. Following this victory, he joined the soccer club and continued playing soccer in high school, eventually being invited to Blue Lock.
In the first match of the preliminary round against Team V, he already demonstrated his spatial awareness ability, seizing a loose ball from the initial scramble (though it was soon taken by Reio, who recognized his potential in the preliminary round).
In the following match against Team Z, he fully committed to the role of playmaker, leaving the goal scoring to his teammate Okawa, but after losing, he changed his play style to aim for goals himself. As a result, he took the title of top scorer in the team from Okawa and advanced to the second round. In the match against the Japan national team, he played as a center back, valued for his height, speed, ball-taking ability, and spatial understanding.
In the U-20 Japan national team match, he showed a deep understanding and spatial awareness in the first half, leading to counterattacks with his defense. At the start of the second half, he successfully blocked Shido's attack with a desperate block, but injured his ankle in the process. During the match, he found pleasure and interest in stopping the opponent's attacks as a defender, and expressed to Kiyoshi that he was not afraid to embrace the changes in himself since meeting Kiyoshi, despite his ankle injury, which led to him being substituted for Reio.
In the "New Heroes War," he chose Italy. He found Snuffy's philosophy on soccer interesting, noting the vast number of tactical patterns Snuffy had created, which could lead to victory if they played without mistakes. He did not play in the first match against France, and details are unknown for the Spain match, but he received an offer with an annual salary of 23.5 million.
In the match against Germany, he played as a midfielder, displaying a "Transcendent Vision"-like spatial awareness, predicting dangerous points from Kiyoshi and the ball's movements, successfully blocking Kiyoshi. Until then, he had been using his ability unconsciously, but after hearing Kiyoshi's explanation, he became strongly interested in the term "Transcendent Vision" and started using it consciously. However, it was still incomplete, and he failed to notice Raichi approaching from behind due to Kiyoshi's movements, and was blocked. After the match, his annual salary was raised to 30 million.
After the England match, his annual salary was increased to 40 million.

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(Last edited time: July 4, 2024, 4:41 p.m.)

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