Wanglian Li
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Wanglian Li

李 王煉(り おうれん), Wanglian Li, 李王炼
Gender: Male
Original Name: 李 王煉(り おうれん)


Enrolled in the Japan branch of Camelot Academy. The details such as favorite club and shots are unknown. A player with a unique sense of perception called "Gift" in this manga, which involves reading and borrowing from the forces of nature. Instead of using titanium for the driver head, this player uses persimmon wood.
Primarily aims for solid pars but managed to secure the 2nd place in the individual category of the Camelot Cup, with -13, just behind Tristan and ahead of Lancelot. Actually, a spy from Graal Kingdom, sent to gauge the strength of Camelot Academy. Before returning home at the end of the Camelot Cup, secretly quits Camelot Academy by slipping a resignation letter into Liber's luggage and returns to Graal Kingdom. Later becomes an instructor (a direct Qi Gong master) at "Avalon Academy," after the merger of Camelot Academy and Graal Kingdom.
Originally from China; Hikari from the UK branch is his older sister.
Average driver distance: 245 Y
Average putts: 2.0
Best score: -13

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(Last edited time: June 26, 2024, 3:44 p.m.)

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