Platalissa Bonaire
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Platalissa Bonaire

プラタリッサ・ボネール, Platalissa Bonaire, 普拉塔丽莎·波内尔
Gender: Female
Original Name: プラタリッサ・ボネール


Platalissa Bonaire is enrolled at the Japanese branch of Camelot Academy. She applied to the UK branch of Camelot Academy with her sister Sufida, but only Platalissa failed, so she ended up going to the Japanese branch. This incident caused a rift between her and her sister. When moving to Japan, her parents set a condition that she must score the same or higher than her sister in the Camelot Cup to return home, leading her to view everyone as an enemy and adopt a forced, cold, and detached demeanor. Although she couldn't match her sister's score in the Camelot Cup, with the help of others, she reconciled. She later regained her original cheerful and gentle personality and playing style. In the Furinashi Country Jr. Cup, she scored better than Yumiko Koizumi and won.
Years later, she married Lieber Ringwald, a fellow student from the same Japanese school. Among the male students other than Lieber, she found Wanglian Li easy to talk to and felt close to him.
In the story, Yumiko mentioned that she was from somewhere in Italy, but she is actually from Finland. She is quite a sister complex.
Average driver distance: 210Y
Average putts: 2.3
Best score: -4

(View count: 76)

(Last edited time: June 26, 2024, 3:44 p.m.)

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