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脹相(ちょうそう), Chousou, 胀相
Gender: Male
Original Name: 脹相(ちょうそう)


In the first of the Cursed Womb: Death Paintings, he is the eldest son. He is a man who ties his hair back and wears a thick kimono, with a horizontal black rectangular pattern on his nose. Among his siblings, he has the most human-like appearance. He generally shows an indifferent expression and rarely changes it, but he has a deep brotherly love, prioritizing his brothers above all and stating, "The three of us are one," towards his brothers Esou and Kechizu.
He employs a combination of the Kamo family's inherited technique "Red Blood Manipulation Technique" and physical combat. One of the techniques, "Kari Barai," involves expelling and manipulating blood from the black part of his nose and his hands to attack opponents, powerful enough to easily sever and penetrate the bodies of non-sorcerers. However, the blood he manipulates outside his body does not coagulate normally, making it dissolve easily in water; conversely, when the blood is coagulated, its power decreases, and there is a risk of sudden thrombosis. On the other hand, "Blood Crystal" is a technique that uses coagulated blood clots that are harder to dissolve in water, turning the risk of thrombosis into an advantage. Additionally, due to his mixed curse spirit and human blood, his blood acts as a poison to both curse spirits and humans, and even if injuries are treated with reverse cursed techniques, the poison can weaken the opponent. His technique also allows him to sense abnormalities in his blood-related brothers, and paradoxically, he became convinced that Yuuji Itadori was his brother after sensing an anomaly in Itadori through his technique.
He was collected by Mahito during the Exchange Event arc and incarnated as a human during the Shibuya Incident arc. After being killed by Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki at Yasohachi Bridge, along with Esou and Kechizu, he plots revenge against the two, who are responsible for his brothers' deaths, and aims to retrieve his other brothers kept at the Jujutsu High.
During the Shibuya Incident arc, he fights Satoru Gojo at Shibuya Station along with Jogo and Hanami. Even after Hanami's death, he shows little motivation, being scolded by Jogo to cooperate or be killed first, and Gojo considers him a low priority target, not hitting him with any attacks except for domain expansion.
After Gojo's sealing, he starts searching for Itadori and fights him at the station. After a fierce battle, he knocks Itadori unconscious, but just as he is about to deliver the finishing blow, he hesitates due to a non-existent memory that Itadori is his brother and flees.
Later, he realizes that the true identity of the fake Noritoshi Kamo manipulating them is Noritoshi Kamo himself. Simultaneously, due to the nature of his technique and feeling a blood connection, he considers Itadori, produced by Noritoshi Kamo, as his brother and furiously turns against the fake Noritoshi Kamo who instigated the fight with Itadori. After the Shibuya Incident, he decides to protect Itadori and starts acting together with him.
In the Culling Game, he confronts Naoya Zenin, an assassin targeting Itadori, and defeats him. Later, he joins Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and eventually Yuki Tsukumo, heading to the Hoshigami Shrine where Noritoshi Kamo and the sorcerer known as Tengen reside. Upon learning the true identity and purpose of the sorcerer called Noritoshi Kamo, he stays at the Hoshigami Shrine as Tengen's guard, along with Tsukumo, following Tengen's request.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:17 p.m.)

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