Risya In Empire
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Risya In Empire

璃洒・イン・エンパイア, Risya In Empire, 璃洒·英·恩派亚
Gender: Female
Original Name: 璃洒・イン・エンパイア


The fifth seat of the Apostolic Holy. The Emperor's staff. A versatile genius who excels in all fields. She is good friends with Mismis from the officer's academy and dotes on her.
Although she usually has the demeanor of a friendly older sister, she also possesses an unfathomable darkness and coldness, and she forcefully pushes through reckless orders with a smile and sound arguments. She even uses the 907th unit as bait without hesitation, and Jhin doesn't trust her at all, but rather is on guard against her. She holds dual citizenship in the Empire and the Imperial Court, and is a mysterious woman who can break the glass walls of a prison without even touching them.
She possesses high combat power worthy of an Apostolic Holy, and in volume 3, she wore an optical suit modeled after Nameless, which was created with the concept of artificially creating superhumans. This can be seen from the fact that she fought with Aliceliese in the Thirteen States of the Imperial Court, "Alcatraz", after letting Salinger escape to buy time. After her return, Nameless himself commented that she didn't need such a toy, suggesting that she is still hiding her true power.
It seems that she has been asked to conduct some kind of experiment by the Eight Great Apostles, but the details are unknown.
She is highly trusted by her lord, knowing the true identity of Yunmelungen, who is only allowed to have an audience behind a curtain even if she is an Apostolic Holy. She has voiced her concerns to him about the queen capture operation.
She was also chosen as a member of the queen capture operation and confronted the Masked Lord. At that time, it was revealed that she possesses the power of the "Spinning" star spirit, which she secured from the Star Vein Fountain in the Imperial Territory. She also made a mysterious comment that she is "the fourth time she is twenty-two years old". The "Spinning" star spirit can freely manipulate the threads of star spirit energy, and can be used as a hidden weapon to bind around the neck or body, and has the power to spread like a spider's web. It belongs to the fourth generation of stars.
The possession of the star spirit's power is the result of an experiment to attach a star spirit to the human body, temporarily granting star tattoos and star spirit techniques, but the limit is one week. She appeared with Yunmelungen in front of Iska and his friends who had escaped from the laboratory, and restrained Rin with the "Spinning" star spirit, ordering them to come to the Imperial Capital.
However, since Yunmelungen's spatial transfer was limited to two people including him, she was left alone and had to accompany, or rather escort, Iska and his friends, and naturally, she was on guard from Sisbell.
She also knew from the beginning that Mismis had become a witch, and in fact, she didn't care about cases like Mismis's in the past.
From the beginning, she was cooperating with the Eight Great Apostles to hold evidence of their rebellion, and as a result of grabbing it in Glasnahat, she fought against and opposed Lucrezeus, one of them, and repelled him with the 907th unit and Sisbell.

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(Last edited time: July 1, 2024, 1:57 a.m.)

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