Rin Itoshi
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Rin Itoshi

糸師 凛(いとし りん), Rin Itoshi, 糸师凛
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 186cm
Original Name: 糸師 凛(いとし りん)


Rank: Second Selection 1st place → 1st place → Third Selection 2nd place
Blue Prison Selection Team Position: CF, Jersey number 10. 16 years old. Born in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Currently the top ranker in Blue Prison. The younger brother of the famous genius MF, Rin Itoshi. Like his brother, his lower eyelashes are distinctive and often used in his nickname.
Generally arrogant and high-handed towards equals or lesser opponents, but fair in recognizing the abilities and potential of those he acknowledges. Also fluent in English.
Joined Blue Prison to surpass his brother, Rin.
Initially, when he started playing soccer, he and Rin were inseparable and pursued the dream of becoming "the world's best striker." After Rin went abroad, he continued to hone his skills, leading his team to be the best in Japan. When Rin unexpectedly returned and revealed his new dream of becoming "the world's best MF," he couldn't accept it and challenged Rin to a one-on-one match, only to be utterly defeated by the more worldly and skilled Rin. Despite this, he expressed that if he couldn't achieve his own vision, there was no point in continuing, leading to a harsh exchange from Rin that fractured their relationship.
Possesses high-level "technique," "tactical acumen," and "physical ability," capable of hitting two pinpoint accurate shots in mid-air. Shares the same spatial recognition ability as Kiyoshi. His true strength lies in manipulating and dominating opponents' thoughts, controlling the entire field. He can draw out the maximum potential of his teammates.
Considers soccer a life-or-death battle. Known for his stoicism in the series, he never gives up against stronger opponents and maintains a full-effort attitude until the end.
From the fourth stage of the second selection, he begins to acknowledge Kiyoshi somewhat. In the national team matches, he had the highest scoring rate, playing as the central figure and center forward.
In the U-20 national team match, he was the focal point of the attack in the first half, matching up against his brother Rin, but couldn't surpass him. However, just before the first half ended, he scored a brilliant goal by outmaneuvering Olivia Aizora, and with his teammates' desperate defense, they ended the first half with a one-point lead.
In the second half, when Rin received the ball, he thought about what he would do if he were Rin, ran back to his own penalty area, and successfully blocked a pass before it could reach Ryūsei Shidō. In the late second half, he misread Rin's corner kick, which was then stopped by Kiyoshi, leading him to feel hostility towards everything around him and abandon his rational tactics. He joyfully shifted to a strategy of "ugly destruction," the opposite of Rin's "beautiful destruction," entering a state called "FLOW" where his concentration was at its peak, his eyes wide open, and his tongue hanging out.
In the final showdown with Rin, unlike the first half where he was outmatched, he managed to deflect the ball with a brilliant defense, momentarily surpassing Rin. Kiyoshi then scored the ball he deflected, leading the team to victory. After the match, Kiyoshi thanked him, saying it wouldn't have been possible without him, but he felt humiliated for not scoring the goal himself and enraged by Rin's words suggesting that Kiyoshi might be the one to change Japanese soccer, declaring Kiyoshi his sworn enemy and vowing to "kill him next time."
In the "New Hero Wars," he chose France, scoring 2 out of 3 points against Italy in the first match (the remaining point was scored by Ryūsei Shidō). After the match against Italy, his bid annual salary was 36 million yen.
In the match against England, he achieved a hat-trick, earning an annual salary of 180 million yen at that time.
In the match against Spain, he scored another goal, raising his annual salary to 198 million yen.

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