Yukika Amami
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Yukika Amami

天海 悠紀華(あまみ ゆきか), Yukika Amami, 天海悠纪华
Gender: Female
Original Name: 天海 悠紀華(あまみ ゆきか)


A girl characterized by her short hair and glasses. She is polite and quiet, speaking respectfully to everyone, but there are times when she acts impulsively and regrets it later. She has been with Takeo and Sunakawa from kindergarten to high school (although Takeo was so unmemorable that it took her a while to remember him). Since Sunakawa protected her in a dodgeball game in kindergarten, she has been in love with him for 10 years. However, she couldn't even talk to him, let alone express her feelings, so she just watched him. Because she was always watching, she knows a lot about not only Sunakawa but also Takeo and Rinko. Every Valentine's Day, she tries to confess her feelings to Sunakawa, but because she lacks courage, she sends him a chocolate with an anonymous letter saying, "I don't need anything in return, please just fall in love with me." When Takeo finds out, she confesses to Sunakawa and tries to make him aware of her and like her, but in the end, she can't make him turn around.

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 5:57 a.m.)

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