Rinko Yamato
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Rinko Yamato

大和 凛子(やまと りんこ), Rinko Yamato, 大和凛子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 大和 凛子(やまと りんこ)


Born on June 15th. A first-year student at Koizumi Girls' Academy High School. She refers to herself as "uchi" (in one-shot stories, also as "watashi"). Takeo calls her "Yamato." She has a natural, gentle personality, rich in sensitivity and prone to tears. She fell in love at first sight with Takeo after he saved her from a molester on the train. Despite her active attempts to approach him, her feelings were not fully conveyed due to Takeo's misunderstandings. At one point, she almost gave up, thinking he was not interested in her, but thanks to Makoto's arrangement, they eventually became mutual lovers.
She truly loves Takeo and finds his extraordinary actions, which might repel an ordinary girl, genuinely cool. Therefore, even after they start dating, she sometimes worries that Takeo might be popular with others. She is skilled at making sweets and has been giving Takeo cakes and cookies even before they started dating. She prefers not to use a hand mixer when making sweets because she likes the feeling of the mixture gradually hardening through effort. She is good at her studies and seems to be proficient in kanji. From the late winter of her second year, due to her father's job transfer, she will move to Spain, resulting in a long-distance relationship with Takeo.
Although they have no recollection or acquaintance, she was actually saved by Takeo once when they were young. At that time, she had a boyish hairstyle, different from now.

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 5:58 a.m.)

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