Takeo Gōda
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Takeo Gōda

剛田 猛男(ごうだ たけお), Takeo Gōda, 刚田猛男
Gender: Male
Original Name: 剛田 猛男(ごうだ たけお)


The protagonist of this work, born on January 1st. Estimated height is 2 meters, and weight is 120 kg (weighed 4300 grams at birth). His vision is 2.0. At the start of the story, he is a first-year student at Shuei High School. Rinko calls him "Takeo-kun." His personality is straightforward, and for better or worse, he is clumsy and pure-hearted. He has a strong sense of justice and reflexively helps people in trouble. He fell in love with Rinko at first sight when he saved her from a molester on a train, but since every girl he liked in his childhood ended up liking Makoto, he thought Rinko liked Makoto too and kept a careful distance. This was misunderstood by Rinko as him not being interested in her, but thanks to Makoto's arrangement, they both confessed their true feelings and started dating.
Although girls tend to shy away from him, he is very popular among his male friends, respected by everyone regardless of their type—serious, flirtatious, delinquent, or otaku—and regardless of whether they are seniors or juniors. He has a very generous nature, and even when Makoto's sister Ayu advised him about Rinko's "secret," he did not make it an issue, even if it involved cheating or two-timing, and focused solely on saving Rinko from her distress. Although he is recognized as a "naive man" by himself and others, he is not insensitive. After starting to date Rinko, he immediately apologizes if he accidentally touches her or almost peeks at her incoming text messages, showing he has common decency. He is somewhat prudish about sexuality, having scolded his friends just for being happy to see girls in swimsuits (though he himself was completely thrown off by Rinko in a swimsuit). Right after starting to date Rinko, he declared that he would "never lay a hand on her until they were adults," but his views changed as their relationship deepened.
His body is robust yet flexible. He has exceptional athletic abilities and can handle most sports, but he falls for every single feint in basketball, and apparently, he is terrible at dancing (though he unintentionally performed a triple Axel and Ina Bauer while ice skating). He is not satisfied with his own strength, saying, "There are plenty of people stronger than me in this world." He is not good at studying and only does so before tests. He also tends not to think deeply about things, struggling with complicated or long discussions. Due to his impulsive nature, he might make pointed remarks when someone is troubled or resort to physical punishment when someone does something wrong. He started a part-time job at "Big Brother Café Machos" to buy a birthday present for Rinko and continued working there occasionally due to having many fans among the customers. He was part of the judo club until middle school and competed at the national level, but he did not join in high school (he apparently forgot to sign up).

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 5:58 a.m.)

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