Tatsuyuki Misumi
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Tatsuyuki Misumi

三角龍雪(みすみ たつゆき), Tatsuyuki Misumi, 三角龙雪
Gender: Male
Height: 180cm
Original Name: 三角龍雪(みすみ たつゆき)


26 years old. 6th dan. Nicknamed "Smith". Height 180 centimeters. Known for his light-hearted playing style and specializes in windmill chess. A carefree person who dotes on Rei as a junior, while also respecting him as a fellow professional player. He has blond bobbed hair, wears glasses, and has a goatee.
In the shogi parts of the story, he often plays a role similar to a comic relief.
He seems to get along well with Issa, calling him "Icchan" and often seen acting together. After losing a match against Goto, he picked up a kitten and named it "Ichigo" (voiced by Asuka Nishi) because it was found in a strawberry box. Initially reluctant, he now dotes on it immensely, although the affection is not fully reciprocated.
While not as overt as Issa, he has a crush on Akari and has used Rei as an excuse to get closer to her and find out her plans.
He is envious that Rei and others are part of the Shimada Study Group (partly because he's interested in the meals), and has even crashed their meetings. In the study group, without any ill intentions, he made a remark that could be seen as offensive as the combination of the four members of the Shimada Study Group, which angered them (especially Shimada and Shigeta).

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 5:06 p.m.)

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