Ashura Doji

Ashura Doji

アシュラ童子(アシュラどうじ), 阿修罗童子
Age: 56
Birthday: April 10
Gender: Male
Height: 544cm
Voice Actor: Nobuo Tobita
Featured Anime: ONE PIECE

Character Introduction

Leader of the Mt. Atama Thieves. One of the Nine Red Scabbards. Currently goes by the name "Shutenmaru."
Born in Kuri, Wano Country. Died at age 56. Birthday is April 10th. Height is 544 cm. Aries. Blood type X. Favorite food is kinchaku mochi.
A giant man with a tea whisk topknot hairstyle. Accompanied by a giant cow named Homete. Skilled enough to fight on par with Jack and Inuarashi. Kaido wants him as a subordinate, but he has no such intentions. Dislikes those in power. Refers to himself as "oidon."
During the lawless era in Kuri, he was considered the most dangerous among villains, known as a "monster" or "demon." However, after being defeated by Oden, he fell for Oden's personality and began to serve him. After Oden left Wano Country, he became the leader of the local yakuza and bandits to prevent them from running wild, and was not present at Oden Castle when Oden briefly returned home. After Oden's execution, he believed in Toki's words and continued to wait for Momonosuke and the others, and ten years ago, he desperately tried to persuade those who ran out of patience and attacked Onigashima. He also secretly gathered ships at Kuri's abandoned port and obtained the blueprint of Kaido's mansion on Onigashima. However, he has become disillusioned with the current state of Wano Country and, to hide his survival from Orochi, has changed his name to "Shutenmaru" and become a plundering bandit across the lands.
In the Wano Country arc, he encounters Jack while plundering the food Luffy gave to the residents of Okobore Town and engages in battle. Later, he reunites with Kin'emon and others who have returned to Wano Country, but refuses to cooperate, stating, "I served only the man named Kozuki Oden, not the Kozuki clan." However, when desperately asked again for cooperation in Hakumai Town, he takes them to the graves of their fallen comrades over the past 20 years and indicates his willingness to join the battle. During the raid on Onigashima, he is the only one to immediately recognize the fake Oden (Kanjuro's drawing) who suddenly appears in the treasure hall, and he dies in battle protecting them from Kanjuro's suicide attack.
The model for his distinctive topknot, which looks like a tree growing out of his head, is from the rakugo story "Atama-yama." In the initial settings, he was known as "Shutenmaru of the Flower Blizzard," and his appearance was the same as now, but with petals constantly falling from the cherry blossoms on his head.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 24, 2024, 6:53 p.m.)

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